“Censorship” is using for censor some scene in movie that people should not watch it. Everything has good and bad side so some people might like it but some people might not like it. Some people might think censorship is very important but some people think they don’t want censorship. For me, I think there’s no right or wrong. People in different country different religion different culture have different idea.
Some scenes in movies have too rude picture or word and children will remember it and do or say it when they grow up. And it might be very big problem if many children copy bad behavior from some characters in movie like kill a lot of people or steal the money from bank. But all of this problem will not happen if parent tell their student that what scene they should copy and what scene they must not copy. But lots of parents think it’s not good if they talk to their children about sex or any bad things and they don’t teach their student about these things. And that will make the problem.
Many video on internet that some people think it’s very bad and should not have it on internet such as porn. Porn could be bad thing but it is not wrong. If you watch it by yourself in your house it’s okay. But if you open it in public places it’s very rude to do it and other people will think you’re very bad person and if you open it in school you might be punish by your teacher. In this case it depends on situation and place. If you do it in right time and right place you could, but if you do it in wrong time and place you would have problem.
For me, I think all of movie or series shouldn’t be censor. People who decide that children can watch or not should be parents not government. If they think it’s okay they can let their student see but if they think it’s too bad they can tell their children not to watch it. This way might be better than censor all of bad scenes in my opinion.
Censorship has good and bad side. In different country the people might have different opinion about bad scenes in movies. But the important thing is not censor or not censor, it is parents teach their children or not and how they teach.